Comments on Junked Cars & Beat Up Guitars - thanks to all ...

(Yes - Ian Tyson - how cool is that?!?)
Howdy Peter - I love the LP ! Great songs & picking. The whole progression from 60's Folk to Buckaroo Elko in the fading West - of 2000 & on. My old Martin would be proud.
Tony Poole is real good - - he gets it. You picked the right guy.

It's full of surprises. Tony Poole's playing, arrangements, visionary ideas and production are magnificent.
I love Beat Up Old Guitar - for me there hasn't been a better track this year. At a time when most CDs are predictable porridge, this is a revelation!
The cool cult album of the century.

I dig the record. Great guitar player. It's your BEAT poetry journey through America .... listened to the whole thing while painting last night....'Old Rivers' rap stood out for me. Reminded me of Roxy (Gordon). Keep going....you made a good thing.
Honest in an age of dishonesty and fear....
DAVE BATTI (John Stewart's bass player) - West Hills, California, USA:
Just started listening yesterday and am enjoying it immensely...very Stewartesque...I love Tony's guitar sound and playing. Next time, allow me to contribute the bass.
PAUL RYBOLT - Yellow Springs, Ohio, USA:
Wonderful stuff! Beat Up Old Guitar and Jess are two of the best songs I've heard in years. I'm pretty sure John Stewart would have liked them, too. Jess, in particular, is the kind of song that he wouldn't listen to more than once because it would influence him too much.
MICHAEL MARTIN (Guitarist with his band, The Infidels, and with Tom Russell)
- San Antonio, Texas, USA: Great job, Peter! Pass on my congratulations to Tony as well. I raise a glass in salute!! (It's an ice cold Coke).
G. LEE WORDEN (Ian Tyson's guitarist) - Silverton, Oregon, USA:
Ian was raving about your album. He says there's a hot guitarist on there as well.
CORKY GORDON - Los Angles, California, USA:
I expected it to be good. It's more than good. Tony's guitar is always exactly where it should be - you're right; he's a great player who doesn't overshadow your vocal or poem. One thing is sure; you've come up with something you should be proud of. The songs haven't gotten old yet. If the CD was an LP, I'd have to buy a second copy by now.
ERIC TEMPLE (Award winning film maker) - Bethesda, Maryland, USA:
Why is it that a Brit can capture the American spirit better than most Americans? Great stuff. Sounds like you were channeling Roger McGuinn on a few cuts. Nicely done.
JOHN TOBLER (Writer & Co-Founder with Pete Frame of Zig Zag Magazine)
- Washington, Tyne & Wear, England:
Without having much idea of what to expect (other than some John Stewart name checks) from your album, the reality is that I have heard hundreds of albums in my time which are obviously inferior to yours. If some of the melodies seem familiar, the lyrics reflect your personal musical journey, and much of it resonates with me. Tony Poole has probably done his best work since Starry Eyed & Laughing, so please accept my compliments, Tony.
RAFFAELE GALLI (Buscadero) - Italy:
Life is generally hard to live, but sometimes it smiles on you. This is what I feel after listening to your album. Junked Cars & Beat Up Guitars is a great effort, one of the best records I heard recently, maybe even the best in my opinion. A strong mix of Townes Van Zandt, Byrds, John Stewart, Texas country, Everlys and your music. Tony did an incredible job with his guitars in it and you rightly gave him the deserved credit.
JOHN EINARSON (Author of 'Desperados:The Roots of Country Rock' and other music books) - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada:
Gotta add my two cents (or two pence) about Peter O'Brien's CD JUNKED CARS AND BEAT UP GUITARS. It's terrific. Been enjoying it for a week or so now.
Kudos to Peter for writing and recording it as well as to Tony Poole for his superb musicianship and good taste (his version of "The Bells of Rhymney" remains a favourite of mine). Good on ya, Peter. Congratulations. Love the tribute to ol 'Eon's guitar. And I love that back cover photo. What a hoot. Cheers, John Einarson
TERRY ALLEN (Award winning artist & singer/songwriter) - Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA:
I got the CD and really liked it....junked cars america-ah-mucko! It made me think back a lot of Roxy Gordon and old Omaha Rainbow days. I know how much he would have appreciated it.
DAVID WARD - Evesham, England:
A wonderful mixture of words, songs, music and sounds. Brilliant nostalgia conjured with original thoughts.
Can scarce believe my ears. This is good stuff. Love this guitar pickin'. This is definitely the big surprise of Summer 2009. Two thumbs up.
JOHN TAYLOR - Glen Oaks, New York, USA:
Man oh man. Takes me back to back in the day...and brings me back to today.
ROY MARSHALL - Toddington, Gloucestershire, England:
What a lovely surprise. It's a brilliant achievement. I really enjoyed listening to the album and especially liked what you've done with Old Rivers and Slow Moving Trains.
SHARMAN SMITH - Bozeman, Montana, USA:
What a treat! Loved it! The music was wonderful with the lyrics - great guitar pickin' - great singing.
JIM HURST - Chino Valley, Arizona, USA: I know I'm biased but I think it quite marvelous.
DAN HODGES - Williamsburg, Virginia, USA:
So many images of the things I knew and loved while growing up - a really great job!
ROD DERRY - Kettering, England:
I enjoyed the CD. I have always liked all the variety of genres that come under the umbrella of country music so for me this was easy listening. At times, Tony Poole's playing took me back to Marty Robbins and El Paso. I have a great admiration for your spirit in reaching for your dream and creating such a rewarding result.
DENNIS SHAW - Clear Spring, Maryland, USA: Overall, I am very impressed. Tony Poole's contribution is considerable, of course, but all in all I'd say it's 'your' album, and I think you should be proud of it.
RICHARD DOBSON - Diessenhofen, Switzerland:
Way to go. You and Tony did a great job. I sense the ghost of Roxy Gordon. Cool cover, too.
LLOYD MAINES (Ace steel guitar player and record producer) - Austin, Texas, USA:
Hey Peter ... I had a chance to listen to the first couple of songs ... I like this ... I want to listen to it while on a driving trip, so I can hear it front to end ... thanks for sending, Lloyd Maines
The CD is fantastic. Can't say there was a song on there that wasn't right up to the top.
KAREN ELLINGSON - Kalispell, Montana, USA: I LOVE your CD. I am listening to it now. Congratulations.
STEEN NIELSEN - Greve Strand, Denmark:
Want to let you know, I sure like this wonderful CD of yours.
ANITA & JIM VASQUEZ - Shalimar, Florida, USA:
Between our schedules and traveling, it's taken awhile to get a chance to experience your whole CD. Wow, it's wonderful! Entertaining and fun, great sound, great musicians. Beat Up Old Guitar with the harmonies was especially nice. Amazing job!!
SHIRLIE ANN DEFOE - Tucson, Arizona, USA:
I can't get "lost and found" outa my head!! what a neat song ...did you write it??
the entire CD is good Peter..
NIGEL CROSS - London, England:
- really enjoyed it - playing is terrific - I'll be playing it regularly - the travelogues are great - and the electric 12-strings and 5th string benders are a shot of pure California sunshine.
GARY HANNA - Wellington, New Zealand:
Your CD arrived tonight and I'm listening to it right now. I love it. Excellent and only took a few days (5) to get to the other side of the world. Brilliant, thanks.
PAUL BARBER - London, England:
Great songs ... lovely guitar work.
TOM SHEEHAN (Esteemed rock photographer)- Croydon, England:
Thanks for the record. An amazing thing to do. Well done chaps.
ELSIE O'BRIEN (Peter's mother - 92) - Couldson, England: I think it's wonderful.